Leadership Training Camp –


herbThis program is temporarily suspended.

A camp is held annually in late June at the Dalhousie Agriculture Campus in Truro, Nova Scotia for Grades 10 and 11 students from Nova Scotia and Nunavut High Schools. The application deadline is the end of April in each year however we do accept all late applications. Applications are available at your local Legion and all High Schools in Nova Scotia or it can be downloaded from the link below. A copy of the Camp Information Booklet is also available in the link below. Cost of the camp to the branch (at the time of this notice) is $150 per student to assist in the cost of the camp.

The Legion’s Youth Leadership Camp was started in 1961.

yo2 yp

 LLTC 10

The Philosophy of the Leadership Training Camp –
The Legion Youth Leadership Training camp is not an activities or sport camp but a camp whereby leadership skills are developed through a wide variety of activities. Sport(s) skills are not the primary activities used throughout the camp.

Leadership is a widely researched topic and leadership development can take many forms. The over-all purpose of this camp is to develop leadership characteristics already present in the selected campers. This is first done by practice and experience.

Leadership qualities and personal characteristics of Leadership will be nurtured throughout the 9 days of the camp. The most important outcome of this camp experience will be growth in personal and interpersonal leadership skills, knowledge and values. These outcomes, typically will include movement in communication skills (listening, speaking and writing), sensitivity to and respect for others and decision making.

The Youth Leadership Training Camp has continuously developed leaders for virtually every High School in Nova Scotia in the last 50+ years. The camp is ever evolving. At the end of each camp students complete a comprehensive questionnaire which is used to further improve the Camp. The staff of leadership camp is carefully selected from professional teachers who themselves have demonstrated high levels of personal leadership.