Legion Magazine
Legion Magazine Website – The website – legionmagazine.com – includes numerous articles from current and past issues, audiobook versions of articles, downloadable desktop calendars, Last Post, and more.
Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command Legion Magazine Representative:
Comrade James Leadbeater
NS/NU Command
61 Gloria McCluskey Avenue, Dartmouth; NS; B3B 2Z3
Submission of Images to Legion Magazine
Submissions by e-mail must be in JPEG format addressed to NS/NU Command Legion Magazine Correspondent admin@nsnulegion.ca
Photos submitted to Command Correspondents elctronically must have a minimum width of 1,350 pixels, or 4.5 inches. Final resolutions must be 300 dots per inch or greater. As a rough guideline, colour JPEGS would be between 0.5 megabytes (MB) and 1 MB.
Glossy Photos are still accepted via post, mail to NS/NU Command addressed to Legion Magazine Correspondent. Only photos from a photofinishing lab will be accepted.
Publishing of submissions by Legion Magazine are limited to 2 per Branch per issue and must be of different events/occasions.
Names of individuals depicted in photos must be provided, listed as from left to right and must include titles and/or positions in the Legion or organization represented.
Examples of items acceptable for publishing:
Contributions to community organizations and campaigns, support of youth programs, youth education programs , Cenotaph erection or refurbishing, Branch expansions/ renovations/mortgage burning or hall openings, new Members, special functions such as parades and Canada Day celebrations, Branches Anniversaries marking 25th 40th 50th 60th 70th 75th or 80th and presentation of 50 years Long Service Medal and Provincial Sports winners.
Examples of items not acceptable for publishing:
Any non-Legion function , images that openly display alcoholic beverages , outdated photos, medals awarded by the Government of Canada , internal Branch , Zone or District sports competitions.
These guidelines and others are available from Dominion Command as last revised April 2016 at www.legion.ca