There is a Dawn in Every Darkness

On Saturday, the 29Th of October 2022 Branch 150 Isle Madame held the unveiling of their Veterans Banner project.

This day was made for this occasion, it was bright and sunny yet the wind was brisk and cool as it blew in from Chedabucto Bay. The people gathered were somber and melancholy with reflection, yet contented and gratified with hope. 

Military Personal, Legion Comrades, Cadets, Men, Women and Children from all over Richmond County and beyond were gathering in the Public Square at the Municipal building in Arichat to witness the unveiling ceremony and listen to the history of some of these Veterans, the battles they fought and the brave deeds they performed.


Figure 1 One of the many lamp posts on highway 206 displaying the Veteran Banners

Reading from left to right: Pte.Vander P. Landry, Princess Louise Fusiliers
Master Warrant Officer Dion Boudreau, Canadian Military Engineers; Sgt. Tyson Bowen, 2nd Batallion Royal Canadian Army; Thomas Alphonse Bowen (Grandfather of Sgt. Tyson Bowen) Royal Canadian Navy.

Figure 2 Federal MP Mike Kelloway, Comrade Joan Clannon, Graphic Designer Colin MacDougall

Throughout our lives, there are many causes for celebration. Today is one of those days with the unveiling of the “Veterans Banner Project” by Branch 150.
These beautiful, well-constructed banners are a visible testament to our veterans that they are not forgotten and we do remember them. Also while on display these banners will make Highway 206 the destination for many, and give new meaning to the name “High Road.”
To Branch 150 Isle Madame and in particular to the team that showed the leadership, had the creativity, the work ethic, and put in untold hours of labor to bring this project from the planning stages to reality we congratulate you. You have made your Branch, your Community and the Royal Canadian Legion proud.
We Will Remember Them

John Langley
Zone 3 Commander
29 October 2022